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Clarion Hotel® Karlatornet Gothenburg ,  Sweden

Se alle hoteller i Gøteborg, Sverige

Clarion Hotel® Karlatornet

Gothenburg,  Sweden

Clarion Hotel Karlatornet er beliggende på Lindholmen og er et mødested for både lokale og forretningsrejsende. Hotellet ligger ved siden af Sveriges højeste bygning, Karlatornet, og her finder du både restaurant, bar og spa. Velkommen!

Clarion Hotel® Karlatornet 3,9 5
Anmeldelse fra TripAdvisor  

Made any plans for Christmas yet?

Make the most of the holiday season by creating new memories with us here at Clarion Hotel Karlatornet!

Dinner package with a festive 3-course meal

The wonderful Christmas season will soon be upon us and you can now book a wonderful festive experience at the hotel! Get into the Christmas spirit with a wonderful stay and festive 3-course dinner served in the Living Room. Find out more about the Christmas Dinner package here.

A boxed gift card is the perfect last minute gift

Need a good idea for a Christmas present? We've got you! You can now purchase gift cards in a lovely gift box that will look beautiful nestling under a Christmas tree. Both gift cards and gift boxes are sold exclusively available from the hotel reception.

Christmas room

To create a wonderfully festive vibe at the hotel, we will be decorating all the commual areas, as well as all the hotel rooms on floor 58. One of our suites will have an extra Christmassy touch – please send an email to to make a booking request.

Christmas cocktail in the Living Room Bar

Come to the Living Room Bar to try our Christmas Cocktail, Cinnamon Stick. The cocktail is nice and sweet, featuring various flavours of Christmas to help get you into the festive spirit! You'll find the opening hours for the Living Room Bar here.

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